How to sell campaign buttons
Are you looking to make a statement and help support your favourite cause? Campaign buttons are the perfect way to do just that! Not only will they help spread awareness about a specific issue or candidate, but they also make great fashion statements.
Whether you're an activist or simply want to show your political pride, custom campaign buttons can be a fun and stylish way to get involved. Here's how you can create and sell campaign buttons for any event or occasion.

Create an eye-catching design
When creating custom campaign buttons, it is essential to have an eye-catching design. Not only will this make your buttons stand out from the crowd, but it will also motivate people to spend their money on them. Good design requires cohesive and aesthetically pleasing elements, so choose colours and text that fit together nicely. If you have no design experience, you can use pre-made design elements. However, be hyper-aware of copyright when you are selling those buttons. After all, you do not want to get in any trouble with your buttons.
Get creative with slogans and catchphrases
Creating custom slogans and catchphrases for your campaign buttons is a great way to help increase sales. Studies have shown that people are more likely to be emotionally moved by creative slogans and phrases, making them more likely to purchase the product. Having an effective slogan or catchphrase can be the difference between someone simply admiring your button, and them actually buying it.
Choose high-quality button materials for a professional look
If you are making buttons to sell, you need to use high-quality materials. This will give them a more professional look that can make them appear more valuable, making it more likely that people will spend money on them.
Campaign buttons are only as good as their material, so choose a material that will give off a professional look and feel. High-quality button parts such as steel backs, plastic covers, and pin backs are essential for making durable buttons that will last long. Additionally, consider ordering in bulk to get the best price on your materials and save money in the long run.
Research what other campaigns are doing
It's always a good idea to research what other successful campaign buttons look like before creating your own design. Take note of any eye-catching designs, slogans, or messages that have been used in the past. This will give you a good framework to work off of and help generate ideas about what worked well and what didn't.
Determine how much to charge for each button
When selling campaign buttons, it's vital to determine how much you should charge for each one. One of the biggest reason to get campaign buttons is their affordability. That means your can easily sell them at a profit. Prices can vary depending on the quality of materials and design, but generally speaking, buttons usually retail for anywhere between £1-£5. Consider how much money you need to make from your sales and then adjust the price accordingly.
Market your buttons
Once your campaign buttons are created, it's time to start getting people to buy them. You can do this by attending events such as rallies or conventions, and also by advertising online. Social media can be a great tool for marketing your buttons to potential buyers. Finally, be sure to spread the word about your buttons via email or text to ensure that they reach as many people as possible.
By following these tips, you will be well on your way to creating and selling custom campaign buttons that make a statement. With a little creativity and dedication, you can make a difference in the world and help support causes that are important to you. Good luck!
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