What are sheet labels?

Cindy Huegel portrait
Cindy Hügel
March 2, 2025
4 mins
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What are sheet labels?

You have probably already seen that we offer two different types of products: stickers and labels.

Custom stickers are individually cut. Ordering 500 stickers means you will get 500 individual stickers.

When you order custom labels, you can usually decide between two options: sheets or rolls.

Rolls are usually needed when you have a machine that applies your labels. At the moment, we do not offer roll labels. Sheets, on the other hand, are better when you apply your labels yourself.

Sheets are flat pieces of material that have your labels printed onto them. Let's say you order 500 labels on sheets. Then you could get 10 A4 sheets, each containing 50 labels.

What do sheet labels look like?

Essentially, they are just rectangular sheets with your designs printed onto them. You can have multiple different designs printed onto one sheet, or you can create sheets that only contain one design.

Glitter labels on sheets in full colour on an iPad on a stone table

When you order sheet labels, each label is not individually cut, but kiss cut. This example of a design proof shows that.

design proof of a sticker sheet

The magenta line around the sheet indicates the edge of your sheets. The green line shows where your labels will be cut. This line is green because your labels are only cut through the material layer, not the entire sheet. Therefore we can differentiate between the edge of your sheet (the magenta line) and the peelable part, the label (the green line).

What size are your sheet labels?

It depends on what you need. When you order sheet labels, you can either enter the size of each label or set a size for the entire sheet.

If you do not specify the size of your sheet, we will make the sheet approximately A4 size. A4 is 210 x 297mm and works great with most applications.

The sheet size will vary because we want to be efficient with space to keep your costs down. So we'll fit the sheet around your stickers, close to A4.

The advantages of sheet labels

We offer sheet labels because they are just better for some use cases, and here is why.

Speedy application

When your stickers are printed onto sheets, they are much faster to apply.

This is because your labels are only kiss-cut. The sheet around them forms a supportive border that makes it much easier and faster to peel your labels.

Think of an individually cut die-cut sticker, for example. Sometimes you really have to focus and squeeze your fingernails in between the adhesive and the backing paper to separate them. Now, imagine having to do that 300 times.

If you are applying hundreds, or even thousands of stickers, getting them on sheets can save you valuable hours!

To demonstrate how important this is, we tested it and applied 1000 3cm large circle labels. It took 2 hours and 17 minutes when individually cut, whereas it took 48 minutes when on a sheet. That’s a saving of 1 hour and 29 minutes, or 65% - wow!

Easy storing and distribution

If you are supplying a chain of restaurants or shops, distributing a few A4 sheets to each store is easier than counting individually cut stickers each time.

Sheets are nice and flat, which means they can be stored easily. You also do not have to worry about your stickers' edges or them potentially rolling or lifting. Since they are printed onto sheets, the edges of your labels are protected by the sheet's border. This keeps them looking perfect, even in busy environments where they may have a rough life before they get stuck.

When to use sheet labels

You might have already guessed it. We always, always, always recommend sheet labels when you have to brand or label hundreds of products by hand. Your fingers, or your team's fingers, will thank you.

Besides that, we have seen sheet labels used as giveaways or even birthday invitations. And we use them as part of our sample packs, to show you how versatile our materials are. Have a look below to get inspired.

You can also head straight to our custom labels page to have a look at your options. If you find the number of options a little overwhelming, take our quiz to find your perfect material.

Or, if you want to see our sticker sheets in action, get a material sample pack for just £1. We will send you a small sheet of each of our materials.

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