Logo magnets for nonprofits

Cindy Huegel portrait
Cindy Hügel
March 4, 2025
5 mins
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Logo magnets for nonprofits

Do you want to make a difference in the world but don't know how? Magnets are an easy way to show your support for nonprofits and spread awareness of their causes! Not only will these magnets look great on your fridge, they'll also help bring attention to important social and environmental issues. So why not give it a try? It's an effortless way to do good, one magnet at a time!

Overview of Logo Magnets

Logo magnets are custom-printed magnets that sport your logo. They are printed on durable vinyl and then transferred onto a thin, flexible magnetic sheet that can be cut into any shape you can think of.

With custom logo magnets, you are truly in control and have complete freedom to create your own design specific to your nonprofit organisation and the cause you want to promote.

Tips for Effective Logo Magnet Design

Of course, your logo marks the foundation of your logo magnets. But what makes an effective logo design? We've got you covered.

Streamline your logo

Streamlining your logo when creating logo magnets is essential because it helps make your message stand out. A streamlined logo design ensures that the critical details of your brand are clear and easily identifiable. When you splice and combine elements of your logo together, it creates a cohesive look that will help viewers better remember your brand. It also allows you to create a unique look that is completely tailored to your organisation and its cause.

Embrace white space

White space is a vital factor in effective logo design, creating a pleasing visual balance. It essentially refers to empty space and can help draw attention to specific areas of the logo and make complex designs easier to digest. So don't be afraid to leave some open spaces in your logo magnets.

Use memorable colours

Colour plays a significant role in logo magnet design as it can help evoke emotions and create an instant connection with your audience. Use bold, eye-catching colours to make sure your logo stands out from the crowd. You can also use two or three complementary colours to give your logo even more visual impact.

Submit a print-ready design

When you're done designing your logo, it's crucial to ensure it is print-ready before submitting it for production. This means ensuring that all text has been converted to outlines, you are using the CMYK gamut and your artwork is a vector (scalable format) or, if you are using a photo, have a minimum resolution of 300dpi. If anything is not up to standard, the quality of your logo magnets could suffer.

Benefits of Using Logo Magnets for Nonprofits

If you are still unsure whether logo magnets are a viable option for your nonprofit, check out these benefits of using logo magnets:

A low-cost option

Custom logo magnets are a great low-cost marketing option for nonprofits that are looking to spread awareness and rally support for their cause. Logo magnets are cost-effective and easy to create, requiring only an initial investment in materials and shipping costs. Bulk ordering often proves especially affordable, as you will pay less for each individual magnet.


logo magnets also make great fundraising tools,

With custom logo magnets, you are in complete control of the design – from size and shape to colour and text. This allows you to get creative and create a logo magnet that fully encapsulates your organisation's mission and values. Customised logo magnets also make great fundraising tools, as they can be sold at events or even online to help raise funds for your cause.


Creating awareness is essential for nonprofits, and logo magnets can be a powerful tool to achieve this. Logo magnets can be used to increase visibility – from being distributed at events and giving them as gifts to placing them on vehicle bumpers and attaching them to public places like bulletin boards. With their eye-catching visuals, logo magnets will help draw attention to your cause and ensure people are aware of the important work you do!

Popular Uses of Logo Magnets for Nonprofits

You can use your logo magnets however you want to. But if you are looking for some inspiration, we've collected out top three ways nonprofits can use logo magnets.

1. Sell them as merchandise

Logo magnets are a great way for nonprofits to promote their cause while making some extra money. Nonprofits can sell logo magnets as merchandise, either at events or online, and use the proceeds to support their mission. Logo magnets come in all shapes and sizes and can be customised with your organisation's logo and message, making them an attractive item that people will want to buy. Plus, they're affordable enough that you won't have to break the bank just to get started!

2. Hand them out for free

Logo magnets make great event giveaways and can be handed out to attendees, volunteers, and donors. They are a clever way to spread awareness of your cause and thank people for their support. Depending on the event or occasion, you may also create special limited-edition logo magnets for those who donate funds or volunteer their time. We recommend choosing a versatile size for you logo magnets, as you do not know how recipients might want to use them. View the best sizes for logo magnets for inspiration.

3. Create attractive business cards

Logo magnets can also be used to make unique and eye-catching business cards. Using a logo magnet as part of your business card design will make you stand out from the competition and give your contacts a lasting reminder of your organisation's mission and values. Plus, people are more likely to hang onto a business card made of a magnet than a paper card, ensuring your contact information stays with them.

In summary, logo magnets are a great way for nonprofits to spread awareness and promote their cause while also creating an additional income stream. With customisation options that allow you to create unique designs tailored to your organisation's needs, there's no limit to what you can do with logo magnets! So why not get started today?

Please contact us if you need any help or advice along the way. We'd be happy to assist.

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