Easy Sticker Ideas

Stickers are a creative, affordable, and effective marketing tool that businesses can use to promote their branding, unique selling propositions (USPs), and products or services. They’re easy to create, and you can even make different iterations to show off what your brand’s all about. Plus, you can buy stickers online, making them very accessible!

That said, the best way to leverage this medium is to partner with a maker like Sticker It who can help you in making stickers for you to sell, distribute, or giveaway. You can come up with easy sticker ideas that you already have in mind, like your logo, cute illustrations, or abstract concepts, or you can find a designer and let them take care of it—either way, you get high-quality, eco-friendly, and waterproof (you don’t have to Google how to make stickers waterproof anymore!) adhesives for your business!

Mutlicoloured white vinyl sticker applied to seal an invitation

How Stickers Can Help Your Business

Here are some of the benefits that stickers can offer your business:

Promotes Brand Awareness

You can use stickers, particularly those that display your logo or tagline, as promotional giveaways and offer them to customers, employers, and partners to increase your brand awareness. 

Enhances Product Packaging

Stickers are a great way to add pizzazz to your product packaging. You can use them to make your brand and products look more appealing and premium or as a clever way to add messages or instructions to boxes and containers.

Boosts Customer Loyalty

When you give customers stickers, you give them an opportunity to identify with your brand, boosting their sense of loyalty. Plus, you instil in them a feeling of community and belonging to the brand, which can increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Improves Engagement

Improve your engagement by encouraging people to share your stickers on social media. This can help you get user-generated content and increase your following. You can even host competitions where the user with the coolest sticker placement gets a discount on their next purchase.

Increases Visibility

People who get stickers often display these on their belongings, so when your stickers are displayed on laptops, cars, water bottles, etc., they become promotional materials that turn your customers into brand ambassadors, can increase your visibility and generate interest in your brand.

The best thing about stickers is their versatility. You can create any design you can think of and, depending on the material, you can use them for hundreds of applications. Here are some easy sticker ideas for your business:

Easy Sticker Ideas for Businesses

The best thing about stickers is their versatility. You can create any design you can think of them in any design and, depending on the material, you can use them for hundreds of applications. Here are some easy sticker ideas for your business:

Logo Stickers

Turn your logo into a sticker and hand these out to your customers, use them on your products, or display them in strategic locations. This can make a good impression on your customers and increase brand recognition.

Product Labels and Packaging

Create sticker labels for your products or packaging to make a more cohesive brand image. You can use them not just to display your branding, but to add messages, product information, or usage instructions, too.

Bumper Stickers

Bumper stickers have been a novel way to display messages to a large number of people. They’re usually fun and eye-catching, which allows you to play around with your branding.

Marketing Stickers

Promotional stickers are stickers that you can give away at shows, events, or other marketing situations. You can also use them to announce limited-time deals or for other promotional initiatives. For example, you can place them in high-traffic areas (e.g. bus stops, sidewalks, etc.) as a guerrilla marketing strategy and generate buzz for your business.

Sticker Design Ideas

Stickers for your business should always be founded on your branding. The most common business sticker designs showcase a logo, but there are also many other ways to present your image. Here are some design ideas to get you started:

Themed Stickers

Create stickers based on a certain theme, like food, animals, hobbies, characters, events, etc. You can change these depending on your purpose or goals, while still keeping your branding. For example, you can create space-themed stickers that still have your logo or tagline.

Seasonal Stickers

Seasonal stickers are those that follow holidays, like Thanksgiving or the 4th of July. You can create these around seasons relevant to your business and give them away during that time.

Minimalist Stickers

There’s a whole demographic of people who like more subtle stickers and you can easily penetrate this market by offering more minimalist stickers revolving around your branding.

Personalised Stickers

Offer stickers that people can personalise with their own creativity. For example, create adhesive name tags with your logo that your customers can write their info on and stick to their belongings.

Get Custom Stickers from Sticker It

Sticker It can deliver on all of your sticker needs, helping you conceptualise and create high-quality eco-friendly stickers that are sure to add value to your business—at an affordable rate. Have a sticker idea ready? Get in touch with Sticker it to turn it into reality!

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