Our story
Founded by two teenage brothers, we are now among the world's leading suppliers of custom stickers and labels. How did that happen?
Flashback to 2007. Steve Jobs presented a little invention called iPhone. The Spice Girls reunited. The final instalment of Harry Potter hit the shops. And in a garage in the South West of England, two brothers started their own business.
David and Michael were 17 and 19 years old when they founded Kartdavid, a business that designs and creates graphics for motorsport.
They both grew up with a love of motorsport and started kart racing in the ’90s .
A passion for design and wanting to push the boundaries of the colours & effects used by brands in karting was the catalyst for Kartdavid to be born. It was their way of unleashing their creativity into the world of motorsport.
Until then, no one had custom stickers for their kart – Kartdavid brought this to the UK. Over time, they started to supply world-championship winning teams globally. Fast-forward 13+ years and Kartdavid is the world’s largest supplier of custom graphics to the karting world, working with biggest names in motorsport.
Here are some examples of what they do:

From this experience Sticker it was launched in 2018.
Why? The team was working with more businesses outside of motorsport and realised they we’re explaining what is possible because they had developed unique colours and technology for the motorsport market.
They had brought together; a wide choice (in materials and colours), made it easy to make the right choice through a simple shopping experience and provided great information to make informed decisions.
We love making beautiful products every single day. We aim to inspire our customers to create and build the brands we love and interact with daily.
We’re building a team of; designers who work with our customers to bring their creation to life, marketers to communicate how we can help, production artists who bring our clients ideas to reality, software developers who are pushing the boundaries of customer experience and engineers who create solutions to never-solved before manufacturing automation for our custom products so we can deliver better than anyone before.
Since launching Sticker it we have grown over 280% year on year and this is showing no signs of slowing.
Fast forward to 2023 and Sticker it's founders, along with Byron and Dryden of Fika Studio, have launched Glide, a platform that helps businesses who sell customised products to fulfil orders more efficiently.
Glide is born from an internal tool that was developed at Sticker it to help ship orders faster. Head over to Glides about us page, to read the full story.